ANÁLISE E METODOLOGIA (matérias-primas, produtos, pesquisas)
ANALYSIS AND METHODOLOGY (raw materials, product, research)
ANALYSIS AND METHODOLOGY (raw materials, product, research)
Pesquisadores italianos caracterizaram lúpulos Cascade colhidos em nove regiões diferentes da Itália, comparado com as amostras cultivadas nos Estados Unidos, Alemanha e Eslovênia. Os resultados apresentam diferenças nos compostos de amargor, aroma e xantumol. E…
Beer and its non-alcoholic compounds in health and diseaseIxchel Osorio-Paz, Regina Brunauer and Silvestre AlavezRevisão sobre os efeitos do consumo de cerveja na saúde e na doença. Os autores descrevem os principais compostos não alcoólicos…
What is new on the hop extraction?Vanesa Sanz, Ma Dolores Torres, José M. López Vilariño, Herminia DomínguezTrends in Food Science & Technology. Volume 93, Novembro 2019, Páginas 12-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2019.08.018Autores do Departamento de Engenharia Química da…
Why Humulinones are Key Bitter Constituents Only After Dry Hopping: Comparison With Other Belgian StylesCarlos Silva Ferreira, Eloi Thibault de Chanvalon, Etienne Bodart, and Sonia CollinJournal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. Outubro 2018….
Investigations into the Transfer Rate of Volatile Compounds in Dry Hopping Using an Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient ModelKorbinian Haslbeck, David Minkenberg, and Mehmet CoelhanJournal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. July 2018 76(6):1-9 DOI: 10.1080/03610470.2018.1483701Vale…
Phenolic Substances in Beer: Structural Diversity, Reactive Potential and Relevance for Brewing Process and Beer QualityJulia Wannenmacher, Martina Gastl, and Thomas BeckerAcesso aberto em Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 17(1-2): 15 June…
Prediction Power and Accuracy of Forced Ageing – Matching Sensory and Analytical Results for Lager BeerF. Lehnhardt, J. Steiner, M. Gastl and T. BeckerBrewingScience. May / June 2018 (Vol. 71). DOI: 10.23763/BrSc18-05lehnhardtPara quem se preocupa…
A Comparison of Single-Stage and Two-Stage Dry-Hopping RegimesDean G. Hauser , Karli R. Van Simaeys , Scott R. Lafontaine , and Thomas H. ShellhammerJournal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. Outubro de 2019. Páginas…
Extraction Efficiency of Dry-HoppingDean G. Hauser, Scott R. Lafontaine & Thomas H. Shellhammer Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, (2019) 77:3, 188-198Acesso: doi: 10.1080/03610470.2019.1617622 AbstractDry-hopping, which is the cold, aqueous extraction of hops into beer,…