Artigos em jornais
2022 Portuguese wild hop diversity assessment by fast SNP genotyping using high-resolution melting
2021 Dinâmica Temporal de Sensações na análise sensorial de cervejas artesanais
2020 A chemometric approach to compare Portuguese native hops with worldwide commercial varieties
2019 Modeling of α-Acids and Xanthohumol Extraction in Dry-Hopped Beers
2018 Varietal discrimination of hop pellets by near and mid infrared spectroscopy
2007 In vitro investigation of dimethylsulfoxide upon human lymphocyte proliferation: Efeitos do dimetilsulfóxido sobre a proliferação de linfócitos humanos in vitro
2006 Flow cytometry as instrument for evaluating the immunopotential of medicinal plant extracts and their isolated compounds: A citometria de fluxo como instrumento de avaliação da atividade imunomodulatória de extratos e substâncias isoladas de plantas medicinais
Capítulo de livro
2019 Hops: New Perspectives for an Old Beer Ingredient