Nossas publicações científicas

Artigos em jornais

2023 Bioactive Properties and Phenolic Composition of Wood-Aged Beers: Influence of Oak Origin and the Use of Pale and Dark Malts

2023 Dynamic sensory analysis by Temporal Dominance of Sensations paired with dynamic liking and wanting methodologies to understand the consumers’ preference between two beer styles enriched with elderberries

2022 Portuguese wild hop diversity assessment by fast SNP genotyping using high-resolution melting

2021 Sensory and Olfactometry Chemometrics as Valuable Tools for Assessing Hops’ Aroma Impact on Dry-Hopped Beers: A Study with Wild Portuguese Genotypes

2021 Dinâmica Temporal de Sensações na análise sensorial de cervejas artesanais

2020 A chemometric approach to compare Portuguese native hops with worldwide commercial varieties

2020 Prediction of fruity-citrus intensity of beers dry-hopped with Mandarina Bavaria based on the content of selected volatile compounds

2019 Modeling of α-Acids and Xanthohumol Extraction in Dry-Hopped Beers

2018 Varietal discrimination of hop pellets by near and mid infrared spectroscopy

2017 Antiproliferative effect of beer and hop compounds against human colorectal adenocarcinome Caco-2 cells

2010 The uleine-rich fraction of himatanthus lancifolius blocks proliferative responses of human lymphoid cells

2007 In vitro investigation of dimethylsulfoxide upon human lymphocyte proliferation: Efeitos do dimetilsulfóxido sobre a proliferação de linfócitos humanos in vitro

2006 Flow cytometry as instrument for evaluating the immunopotential of medicinal plant extracts and their isolated compounds: A citometria de fluxo como instrumento de avaliação da atividade imunomodulatória de extratos e substâncias isoladas de plantas medicinais

Capítulo de livro

2019 Hops: New Perspectives for an Old Beer Ingredient
