
Wellcome to Beer-Learning

Beer-Learning is committed to the development of the beer sector through courses, and the dissemination and propagation of scientific knowledge of beer. In this space is presented the most recent and relevant scientific discoveries about beers and their raw materials (mainly about hops). Here, It is also possible to acquire the best and noblest European hops. To see the hops availability and pricing, please, access the Portuguese version of the website.

About the Author: Julio Machado

Pharmaceutical and Beer Sommelière

PhD in the Pharmaceutical Sciences program, specializing in Nutrition and Food Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto. Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Federal University of Paraná, graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí.

Experience in ​​biochemistry, physical-chemistry, and sensory analyses of foods, with emphasis on hops and beers.

Research group: FOODinteract Research Team (I3A – LAQV): Food & Water Science – Green Chemistry Laboratory.